The Final Countdown


With now less than three weeks left until I head back to England for good and end my year abroad (!!), I keep finding myself debating whether I'm happy or sad to go home and I wanted to write a little post on my feelings now, so I can look back once I'm at home. 

Santiago couldn't have been a more different experience to Paris. I'm so happy here and I feel totally settled and at home. I haven't stopped making new friends over the last four months and that alone is something that will make this city a very difficult place to leave. Every single person I've met here has been so kind to me and I can't put into words how much I appreciate that. 

The place itself is beautiful. There is rain, so much rain, but I can (often but not always) look past that because of the parks and the beautiful old town buildings and that view from Parque Alameda. 

Its only really since I came back from Ibiza that I've missed home and felt a little homesick every now and then. The closer it gets to 'home time', the more excited I am to go home and sleep in my double bed, see my family and friends, cuddle my cat and curl up on the sofa with the dogs. But at the same time, when I realise how close my flight home is I get a horrible feeling of panic in my tummy - I'm not ready to leave, I'm not ready to say goodbye to the place or the people or the life of an Erasmus student! 

My feelings about leaving are totally mixed. I'm desperate to get home and squish all my pals and spend time with my family, but I'm dreading the day I have to leave my little Erasmus family behind. 

20 days and counting... 

Bean xx

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